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Want to keep up to date with our events, programs, and meetings? Join our chapter at the link below:
Our Mission:
Our chapter’s primary goal is to provide a platform for all HPC researchers in the Institute to promote, build, and leverage a diverse and inclusive HPC community through communication, research, visibility, networking, and best practices. Our main drives include:
- Helping students towards HPC professional career paths;
- Providing HPC resources for teachers on courses;
- Offering HPC consulting to teachers;
- Involving industry partners on real-world projects.
We plan to achieve these goals by engaging researchers from across academic institutions including Georgia Tech, Atlanta’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), and others who are interested in learning more or providing support for HPC research. We believe that by increasing exposure as well as access to resources for teaching through student-run seminars, workshops, online classes offered by GT’s Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment (PACE), and mentorship efforts, we can build a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive supercomputing community.
New Chapter Aims to Increase Equity in High Performance Computing
From observing binary black holes to synthesizing all of the work in the largest publication journal, HPC processes the world’s data and attempts to answer science’s largest problems. Despite this field’s rapid growth and acute use in problem solving, the gap in representation for those in the community remains apparent. This is why WHPC’s international mission to enhance equity, inclusion, and access for women and minorities to the field of HPC is so critical.